My Best Friend

According to wikipedia, a friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. That casts a pretty wide net. I’m fond of a whole lot of people. Lucky for me, some of them feel the same way about me. By definition, that makes us friends.

I’m grateful for each and every one of them. Many date back to grade school. Just knowing someone that long is special. In a world where everyone comes and goes so much, more than forty years of shared history carries a lot of weight.

Like a mother with many children, I love my friends equally. Naming a best friend is risky business. I’m taking the risk this year and doubt any runners up will take offense

The 2015 recipient of the My Best Friend Award is my mother. Bless her heart. My mother is special, in a Tennessee Williams kind of way. I’m just like her. Together, we’re a trope.

Get it?

Anyone who knows her agrees: Mom is a hoot. Worrying and talking are her favorite hobbies. She has a great sense of humor and is passionate about politics, Kentucky basketball, her religion, and her family.

We’ve come a long way. She’s changed in ways I never expected. I suppose she’d say the same about me. Now, any battles are mostly water under the bridge, and we more or less accept each other the way we are.

We chat on the phone together for twenty or thirty minutes just about every day. Within reason, we tell each other everything. The boundaries are a little blurry. We both know more than we should. Who else can you really talk to about your colonoscopic prep and exam?

Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend. I’m grateful for the relationship we have now and the time we have to enjoy it. Love you, Mom.


2 responses to “My Best Friend”

  1. Thats the kind of relationship i want with my sons However my sons are so wrapped up in the lives and activities of their own children, im lucky if I get an occasional text. I do understand children playing soccer, basketball,on swimteams and all the other extra curricular activities plus the parents all work jobs, sometimes two, and one family of four children are home schooled so who has time for aeven a ten minute phone conversation with mom? Im envious

    • I think maybe we’re in the minority. Getting to where Mom and I are today took a lot of work from both of us over many years and a ton of forgiveness. I’m grateful. Thanks for stopping by!