Resolutions have never really worked for me. If you were to read entries from late December and early January in the journals I’ve kept for thirty years, you’d see me resolving to give up essentially the same bad habits every year. The amusing part is my certainty, each and every year, that THIS year I’ll finally keep my resolutions.
I like the idea of resolutions. Coming up with them is like doing a performance appraisal on myself and my ability to handle life. Resolutions are things I need to do differently or areas in need of improvement.
Despite my lack of success in keeping them, I make resolutions every year. Sometimes I call them priorities instead of resolutions. Changing what I call them has had no impact on the results.
I didn’t make any resolutions in 2010. No, I wasn’t perfect. I’d just reached the point where I really didn’t care anymore. Then I started writing my memoir.
Seeing my past through middle-aged eyes changed the way I see myself. I learned things I didn’t know before and found out that much of what I thought I knew was wrong. My one resolution for 2011: Finish writing Glass Houses.
Finishing the first draft felt great–the biggest accomplishment of my life. Then I crossed off the last of the regulars on my annual list of resolutions. Coincidence? I think not.
Besides finishing Glass Houses, with the help of the Athens Writers Workshop, last year I wrote Addicted, my first novel. The freelance editor who worked on the memoir for me is now working on Addicted. Meanwhile, I’ve started working on her suggestions for revisions to Glass Houses.
Writing a book is very satisfying. A writer’s goal is to be read. People taking the time to read my books is even more rewarding. Hearing reactions to and feedback about my work is priceless. I want more.
In 2012 I resolve to find publishers for both books. I should have Glass Houses ready to submit again before the end of March. Hopefully Addicted will be ready to go by the end of June. Somewhere along the way, it would be nice to come up with an idea for my next novel.
Failing to find a publisher this year is okay. I’ll keep trying. Based on my experience, persistence pays off.
I have other resolutions, too. I resolve to restart my exercise program (cursed holidays) and to renew my commitment to Weight Watchers (cursed holiday celebrations). I also resolve to save more money, and to post more regularly here on…
My Glass House
6 responses to “Out With the Old, In With the New”
Same title for my blog entry today. I just havent published it yet because I’m supposed to be working, and don’t want it showing up on FB during my work shift. :-]
Maybe I won’t forget to hit “publish”. Looks like I’ll be working several more hours.
Note to self: Writing in my blog isn’t conducive to getting my work done.
You think I’d learn that.
Believe it or not, I’ve never worked on my blog while at work. I’ve been sorely tempted, but so far have resisted!
I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. The changing of the year does nothing to inspire me to make goals. Now when my birthday comes around, that is a whole ‘nother story!
Why ruin a perfectly good birthday thinking about all the changes you need to make? 🙂
Boyoboy…you’re right about the resolution thing! 😀 I don’t do it anymore…don’t need any more reasons to feel massive fail!
Mama you certainly don’t strike me as the massive fail type–quite the opposite!