Over the last few years, I became complacent about my life. To make sure complacent was the right word, I looked it up. Showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements. Self-satisfied. Unconcerned.
Yup. That’s the word all right.
Long before July, I’d fallen into a rut. I took much in my life for granted and acted as if the way things were was the way they would always be. The good news is that having my life turned upside down knocked me way out of that rut. In fact, I’m still flying through the air, hoping I’m going to land on my feet.
When both feet finally hit the ground, practically everything about my life will have changed from the way it was before. I’ll be living in a new house–by myself (not counting dogs), with a rapidly approaching release date for my first novel and new duties at my day job. Scary? Yes. But I can’t remember when I’ve been so excited about the future.
That I’m soon to become a published author thrills me. Since signing the contract, I get another request from my publisher every few weeks for something to move the manuscript through the process. The big rush is coming here in the next month or two. I think I’m ready. We shall see.
New job responsibilities lifted me out of the grand canyon of ruts I found myself in at my day job. After 25 years doing more or less the same thing, I was ready for a change, but unwilling to consider looking for work at another university. In my new role as Assistant to the Dean, I face lots of new challenges, but am excited about the opportunity to make a difference for my college, our state, and my profession.
Having reached the fussy old man stage of life, I’m looking forward to living alone. Nothing against my ex. It’s not him. It’s me. Having anyone around interferes with my ability to focus on doing writing-related things. I need peace and quiet so I can concentrate. But I also love the guy and know we won’t be living under the same roof for much longer. Besides, we’ve both got a lot to do–including figuring out whose taking what with them when they move. Other than knowing Toodles will stay with me, we haven’t even decided on custody of the dogs.
I’ve already fallen in love with my new house. It’s the third house I’ve bought, and in a lot of ways, combines the best of the other two without any of the things I didn’t like. The yard is the perfect size, and I’m really excited about creating my own little backyard paradise. The biggest challenge will be decided what plants make the cut. In the house I’m in now, the yard is so big there’s always room for a new plant, no matter what it is.
My first house was a bit small, my second too big, and the new one is just right. It even has the tilt-in windows that make cleaning them a snap–and you know I like me some clean windows here in…
My Glass House
5 responses to “A Cure for Complacence”
This is your Goldilocks house. The third one is juuuuuuust right! Except for the icky part of breaking up, the future is so bright you need some new shades!!!
This has been a year of major changes for so many people I know (myself included). Getting out of that rut is scary, yep. But taking that step or being shaken out of it has a mountain of rewards!
Hope you’re doing well with all the changes in your life. For me, focusing on the future has made moving forward a lot easier.
Sounds like the new house is perfect. It was a good move (no pun intended) and it’s always so much better to be looking forward than back. 😀
No point in looking back unless that’s where you want to go! Thanks, Tali!