My new normal is crazy busy. I thought the situation was temporary. For months I’ve believed that things would slow down once I got over the next hump. Being a slow learner, it took me more than a year to figure out that busy is here to stay.
Reading and commenting on the blogs I’ve followed, for years in some cases, has been a casualty of my new normal. Sweet Manty67 over at Him, Her and Us gave my blog the Liebster Award and the Beautiful Blogger Award back in early December. Thank you so much! Being picked from among so many great blogs by anyone is an honor, and I’m embarrassed that it has taken me so long to accept.
I’m to list seven things and award seven other bloggers. Given my reality, I’m sharing seven reasons I’m so busy. And I award any of my writer friends who want to jump on the meme.
My day job. A new role means squeezing the stuff I’ve always done into half my time and devoting the rest to a special assignment. The focus is interesting to me, and in my view, important. My dean thinks so too.
Living alone. My ex did a lot that I now have to do for myself. This isn’t a bad thing. On the plus side, the control freak inside of me loves having everything the way I want it. The other side of me misses having him to blame when that’s not the case.
Blogging. I’m grateful to Tali Spencer and M.A. Church. I haven’t had time to blog and they wanted to let you know about their new releases. Win-win.
Writing. After peaking at #10, Until Thanksgiving dropped from my publisher’s bestsellers list a few days ago. That it reached the list at all is a huge thrill. I’m sort of glad the rush is over because the OCD writer in me wants to spend all my time working on what I can only call “the new one.” I’ve reached a critical part of the story and want to think things through a bit more before I commit to the plot twist. Meanwhile, I’m polishing up After Christmas Eve and waiting for word from my publisher on its future.
Writer’s Group. Reading and critiquing the submissions takes time. But the other writers spend the time on mine, and knowing they will and that they will tell me what they really think gives me the courage to experiment. I can’t overstate the impact they have on my writing.
Exercise. Taking care of my body has become not just a priority, but a pleasure. Zumba was my first love, and I almost always hit two classes a week, but now running has captured my heart. My feelings about weight-lifting are more complicated, and I suspect, far less altruistic. I’m single again, and the bar has never been higher.
Toodles. I don’t live alone. Toodles is my constant companion. She naps between my knees when I write, follows me around the house when I’m not, and sleeps with me at night. I talk to her all the time, and am as glad to see her when I get home as she is to see me.
So there you have them. Seven reasons why I’m so darn busy. Thanks, Manty67 for giving me the awards and the opportunity to explain why I’m doing so few posts here on ye olde blog.
Thanks for stopping by!