Retirement Resolutions

As of January 1, I’m officially retired. Friends ask what I’m going to do. The short answer: Whatever the hell I want.

Living my best life is the goal. Figuring out what that looks like is the challenge. Rarely leaving the house for most of 2020 was good practice, a learning experience, and a chance to think about life after work.

Moving is unlikely. Athens is a great place to live. I love the historic vibe, the tight-knit community, and the mild climate. Unlike anywhere else, I know my way around enough to get where I need to go and have friends who are happy to drive when I can’t.

Travel is doubtful. Vision issues prevent me from driving and I no longer have the patience to fly. Toodles further complicates things. Between her diabetes, anxiety issues and advancing age, I’d worry too much to leave her with anyone. I’m not complaining. Staying home suits us just fine.

Planning rarely works for me. Any plans I’ve ever made were blown out of the water by something I never imagined. Setbacks and unexpected opportunities are part of life.

Resolutions are guilt-induced promises that quickly fall by the wayside. Setting priorities for the year has always worked better for me. Given the timing, my 2021 and retirement priorities are the same.

How will I spend my time? Only single-word verbs ending with “ing” made the final list of ten. Stay tuned. The plan is a post on each one in the weeks ahead.
