New Home for an Old Story

DsP Publications releases No Good Deed tomorrow. It’s been available for preorder since January from the publisher, and since early March from Amazon and other outlets. The first edition was published as After Christmas Eve by MLR Press in 2013.

My four novels include enough romance — barely — to have been picked up by romance publishers. Thanks to the folks at DsP and MLR for giving me a chance and for everything they’ve done along the way to help my writing career. I’m truly grateful.

In the gay romance genre, I was a round peg trying to fit into a square hole. The covers and blurbs for my stories were crafted to appeal to gay romance readers. Readers expecting that kind of story are sure to be disappointed. My characters are in relationships, but romance is not the focus.

DsP Publications (DsPP) is a new imprint from Dreamspinner Press for gay genre fiction other than romance That makes it the perfect home for me. Dozens of writers and  editors have said my books were a good fit for the new imprint. At the Dreamspinner Writers Workshop in March 2015, I talked with the folks in charge, and they agreed.

No Good Deed is my first DsPP release. They’re releasing a second edition of Happy Independence Day in July. The stories went through editing again with DsP Publications and received covers and blurbs that give readers a clearer idea about what to expect.

I’m excited about the new release and anxious to see what happens. As always, I’ll keep you posted.