My guest today is Tellumo Magnamater. He’s the star of my new release, Whippersnapper. If you ask me, everything about him is interesting. Thanks, Tellumo, for stopping by.
Tellumo: You’re welcome. I’m thrilled to be here and excited about answering questions from you and readers.
MR: Well, the first question everybody asks is about your name. Where did it come from?
Tellumo: My parents are lesbians and devout feminists. In mythology, Tellumo was the masculine counterpart and consort of the goddess, Tellus — the earth mother. Magnamater (or Magna Mater) is Latin for Great Mother.
MR: Very interesting. What was it like to be raised by lesbians?
Tellumo: More normal than you might think — at least for me since I’ve never known anything else. They love me as much as any parent loves a child and treated me as an equal for most of my childhood. The biggest difference I’d guess is there weren’t many men around. None, really, until I started school. I suspect the absence of men in my early years has something to do with my attraction to older men. You’re looking good, by the way. If I wasn’t crushing on Oliver Crumbly, I’d seriously consider going out with you.
MR: I’m flattered, but — no offense — a 35-year age difference is too much for me.
Tellumo: None taken. If everyone had the same likes and dislikes, the world would be a pretty boring place.
MR: After growing up in Cincinnati, I’d guess Fallisville, KY is a pretty boring place.
Tellumo: Not at all! Everyone is so friendly. I love living in a smaller town and seeing people I know anywhere I go.
MR: So you’re in Fallisville to stay?
Tellumo: Anything is possible — life is so unpredictable — but for now, I’d have to say yes.
MR: Tell me something about yourself that might surprise our readers.
Tellumo: My mothers raised me as a vegetarian. I’ve always had a thing for veal, but Peggy Tucker has turned me into a full-fledged carnivore. She’s an amazing cook.
MR: So I hear. Do you think there will be a sequel to Whippersnapper?
Tellumo: I hope so, but isn’t that pretty much up to you?
MR: I guess you’re right. I’ve tossed around a few ideas but am waiting to see what happens with you, Oliver, and Peggy. We’ve just about run out of time. Do you mind hanging around for a while to answer questions from readers?
Tellumo: Sure! And keep me in the loop about any sequels.
MR: Trust me — you’ll be among the first to know.
Okay readers, leave your questions for Tellumo in the comments. As always, thanks for stopping by.