Goodbye, Addicted

Last week I blogged about the present status of my writing career. Basically, all projects were stalled and I was trying to figure out a way forward. As is so often the case with me, all I need do is state my intentions for everything to change.

I got the marked up manuscript from the editor I hired to help me with the novel formerly known as Addicted. Thanks to all the help from my writer’s group through the critiques they provided from start to finish, the editor had very few suggestions. I ended up incorporating all but one.

The biggest suggestion and one I’d already heard from my writer’s group was the need to change the title. Addicted was based on a premise I didn’t use. I knew the title had to change.

Coming up with a catchy title that hasn’t been used a hundred times before is hard. After much research and careful deliberation, I’ve decided on a new name for Addicted. It’s not perfect, but it works. Until Thanksgiving.

What about the suggestion I decided to ignore? The editor wanted me to change the ending scene from Thanksgiving dinner at Philip’s to Linda’s wedding in Lexington. I could see the advantages, but doing so would leave me once again without a title. So for now, I’m keeping both the title and the Thanksgiving closing scene.

Now I’m working on the blurb for the back and a complete synopsis to include with the query. It really feels good to be making progress again. In the next week or two, I’ll be sending Until Thanksgiving out to a publisher. I’ve decided to go with the publisher that employs three members of my writer’s group. Why not?

I may not become a household name overnight. But I do intend to be a published author. Until then, I may as well keep blogging here on…

My Glass House

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