Vikki over at The View Outside (see blog roll for link) has tagged me in a game of Blog Tag. I’ve been it for more than a week, but haven’t had time to pass on the “honor” until today. Thank you, Vikki for thinking of me.
I’m required to post the rules which are to answer the questions sent to me by Vikki, come up with new questions (or keep using the old ones), and as is always the case with these things, tag eleven more bloggers.
1. Who is my favorite author? Yikes. I’m going to go with Misty Hawkins. She isn’t published yet, but her writing is truly beautiful. She’s working on a fantasy series that’s going to blow people’s socks off.
2. If I could live in another time period, what period would that be? Easy. I’d love to go back in time to somewhere around 1900 to meet my great grandmother, Ida Rupert. Her story is an essential but missing piece of our family tree.
3. I’ve been published and just landed a movie deal. Which actors would I cast in the two main roles? If they make a movie of Until Thanksgiving, then I want Joe Manganiello to play the role of Josh and Prince Harry to play the role of Thad.
4. What is my most treasured possession (not people or animals)? The mirror hanging over my fireplace mantel. It was my grandmother’s, and hung over her fireplace for many years. Dollar-wise, it’s not worth much but it’s precious to me.
5. If I could live anywhere in the world and money where no object, where would I live? Since money isn’t an object, I’d have my own private jet to move between several different homes. I’d love to have a cabin in the mountains, a cottage by the sea, and condos in several major cities. I know–cop out answer, but if I was rich…
6. Who is my Idol/hero? Billy.
7. When I was a kid, what did I want to be when I grew up? Did I achieve it? I never had any idea about what I wanted to be when I grew up and I still haven’t quite made up my mind. I would say I’ve achieved more than I ever thought possible.
8. What’s my perfect day? I’d say the ingredients would be my partner, our Chihuahuas, perhaps some family and friends, sunny skies, pleasant temperatures, water of some kind, and good food.
9. I get a HUGE advance for my first novel–$250,000. What’s the first thing I’d do with the money? I’d pay off my house, buy a new car that gets great gas mileage, go on a great trip somewhere with my partner and the dogs, and invest the rest.
10. How many times a day do you check your e-mail? I get notifications of any personal email messages, comments on this blog or Facebook, and selected Tweets on my cellphone. I see them unless I’m sleeping or busy doing something else.
11. What was my nickname in school and how did I get it? I had two nicknames, both awarded to me by older girls when I was in junior high. “The Beav” and “Flash.” As I recall, The Beav was a comment on my earnestness. I’d completely forgotten about Flash until a few years ago when one of the girls who used that nickname for me became my friend on Facebook. Neither of us could remember how it came about.
I’m tagging:
Pamela at A Little Time with Me; CathyB; Crotchety Mama; MarzieBP over at Goodbye Whoopee Pie; Elizabeth at I Face the Sun; newly published author Kaitlin Bevis; and Roxie the Dealirious Diva.
I’ll use the same questions Vikki asked me. Thanks for tagging me, Vikki. And for the rest of you, thanks for dropping by…
My Glass House
2 responses to “Tag, I’m It!”
Oh fun! Thanks, Michael!
Great answers honey 🙂
Thanks for playing xx