I’m still happily ensconced atop Cloud Nine. Life is good here–full of promise and possibilities. I like it a lot.
All I think about is Dreamspinner Press’s upcoming release of Until Thanksgiving–my first novel. Since Wednesday I’ve called or emailed everyone I know who isn’t on Facebook or Twitter, chatted with all my pals at the gym, and stopped into every office in my building to share the news. I’ve run out of people to tell. I even told my department head and the dean of my college.
I’ve been calling myself a published author at every opportunity. I smile in the mirror fifteen or twenty times a day and say, “Hello, published author!” This morning on the drive into work I had a revelation. I’m not just an author, I’m a romance novelist!
That just cracks me up. I mean no disrespect to my fellow romance novelists. I’m honored to join the club. It’s just that being a romance novelist is so foreign to everything I’ve done for the last thirty years, I have to laugh. Honestly I don’t think anyone saw this coming.
Lately my thinking has changed from “who can I tell” to “what have I gotten myself into?” I’m in way over my head and have a lot to learn. Yesterday I read several blogs about how to autograph books. I had no idea! I’m trying to come up with a pithy two or three word phrase I can use–something short so people don’t have to wait so long in line. You know I’m thoughtful like that.
The more I learn, the more I see I need to do. Writing the book was the easy part. Now the real work begins. I’ve got to come up with clever answers to the standard questions authors get asked about their books, rewrite the blurb, decide on a cover, do the revisions the editor wants, and figure out all the publicity stuff. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it.
My day job remains my first priority. Fortunately, I love my work. Otherwise I’d have a hard time leaving Cloud Nine to put in a day at the office. I will admit, however, that retirement beckons more loudly with each new day.
I’m trying to get back on track with my gym routine. Who knows, maybe I can get buff enough to be my own cover model. No…that would be weird. But I still need to look hot for my picture and public appearances–signing parties, the talk show circuit, media events–you know, the things we romance novelists do.
My stay here on Cloud Nine is temporary, I know. That’s okay. I’m going to enjoy it for as long as I can, and will keep you posted here on…
My Glass House
10 responses to “Living on Cloud Nine”
It is amazing how many things in our lives we never saw coming, isn’t it? 😀 Enjoy it to the hilt. You deserve it!
As a friend of mine once said, “Overnight success after 20 years of hard work.” That’s the way it comes.
Every time I set a course, something totally unexpected happens that makes me go in a different direction. This is one of those times for sure!
I think you might need a personal assistant. I know Toodles wants the job, but she doesn’t have opposable thumbs and I do! Just let me know! 🙂
Ha! Maybe you can be my Lexington agent. 🙂
My advice: take Pam up on her offer to be your personal assistant. 🙂 Seriously, I’m just a couple months ahead of you and I have never been so busy in my life. And I raised three kids. So yeah, writing the book is just the tip of the publishing iceberg… but what a great iceberg! Enjoy the ride.
Thanks Tali, and congratulations on your upcoming release!
So pleased for you honey 🙂
Thank you Vikki!
YESSSSSSSSSS! Ride the glory wave!
What an exciting legacy you’re creating that will live on forever!
…and your Uncle Raymond & Aunt Natalie would have been TOTALLY thrilled about this!
I’m sittin on a corner of your cloud, being your groupie and I grin big everytime I think about you.
Thanks, cuz!