University faculty positions are very demanding. Many of my colleagues work all the time. I don’t. Balancing work and my personal life has always been a priority, and in my opinion, the reason I’ve managed to stay productive.
My writing career is also very demanding. Penning a novel takes time. The publishing process adds additional time demands. Promoting books, maintaining my web site, and engaging on social networks adds still more to an already very full plate.
Since becoming an author, striking a balance between work and my personal life is no longer possible. After getting home from the day job, I spend several hours on my writing career. I try to make exercising a priority, but otherwise, I work all the time.
Fortunately, my faculty position comes with great benefits. In addition to insurance, a retirement plan, and paid sick leave, I get twenty-one vacation days and ten paid holidays a year. The holidays are set, but I can take vacation whenever I want.
Getting any serious writing done requires large blocks of time. So I end up taking most of my vacation days one or two at a time, usually on either side of a weekend. Holiday weekends are especially attractive.
I can’t complain. My dual career situation is temporary. Sometime in the next five to seven years, I’ll retire from my university position. Until then, I’ll keep plugging away.
2 responses to “My Dual-Career Household”
Hence the shorter blogs, huh?
Yes and no. I try no to go over five paragraphs, but usually go longer. Time is definitely a factor!