Category: Exercise

  • Lowering the Bar

    Jogging is about the only real exercise I get. Walks around the block with Tootsie don’t count for much and she’s not up for more. I haven’t set foot in a gym for a few years. Retiring enabled me to kick up my jogging regimen. Issues with my feet held me back until I discovered…

  • Still Running

    MapMyRun says I’ve run more than 3,800 miles since downloading the app in 2012. More than 2,000 of those miles were added in the past 40 months. Retiring made a difference. I ran 572 miles in 2021, a whopping 1013 miles in 2022, 495 miles last year and only 80 miles so far this year.…

  • Suddenly Speedy

    I’ve logged 3500+ miles in just over 1000 outings on MapMyRun since 2012. After every mile, a female voice announces the number of miles this time out, the average time per mile, and the time for the last mile. The free version saves these details, a map of the route, and tons of other information…

  • 10K Steps a Day?

    Regulars know about my long-standing penchant for running. When I worked, weather and other commitments often got in the way. Retiring made running 3- to 6- miles a day much easier to fit into my schedule. Missing a day is rare. Missing two days in a row almost never happens. My goal is an “active”…

  • Running Cold

    Sticking to my running regimen has always been a challenge. Work, foot problems, and less-than-perfect weather too often keep me inside. Retiring solved the time issue. Skechers ArchFit shoes fixed the foot problems. Weather is beyond my control, but my preferences have changed to expand the window of opportunity. I can’t complain. The climate in…

  • Hello 2022!

    Hi, everyone! Long time, no see. I blame retirement for the extended absence. Contrary to expectations, blogging has not been a priority. My intentions were good. I bought WordPress for Dummies — a massive tome that combines multiple volumes on various topics into a comprehensive guide. Frankly, it’s more than a little overwhelming. Despite having…

  • Cool Running

    Weather has long determined if I go for a run or not. Preferred conditions include sunny skies with a temperature from 65- to 7degrees and a light breeze. There’s a little wiggle room, but anything beyond that is a deal breaker. An aversion to sweat is the issue. I don’t mind sweating so much these…

  • Slow as Molasses

    I haven’t set foot in the gym since before the pandemic. Plantar fasciitis forced me to stop running last November. After months of foot exercises and tons of ibuprofen, I decided to try running again in April. The initial goal was three miles, every other day. After several pain-free weeks, I started walking four miles…

  • Running Man

    I’m not one for regrets. For better or worse, my life is the product of the choices I’ve made. What if’ing different choices is a waste of time. What’s done is done. Celebrate the good, learn from the bad, and move on. That said, I wish my early experiences with running had been more positive.…

  • Ten Pounds in Five Months

    August 7th marks five months of staying at home. Beyond trips to the grocery, doctor appointments, and Zoom meetings, every day looks pretty much the same. Toodles has never been happier. The biggest change has been a dramatic decline in my activity level. I can’t go to the gym and haven’t been motivated to use…