Meet Adrienne Wilder

I met Michael Rupured when he brought a memoir called Glass Houses for critique to the writing group I was in.  I was one of the first lucky people to get to read it.  It needed work but it was good.  There were parts that had me rolling in the floor and laughing until I cried.  What I saw, more than well structured writing, was the potential talent of a future fiction writer.

I told Michael he should write a novel.  I don’t think he believed me at first, but he thought about it and then decided to go for it.  I’m glad he did.

Few writers ever see their very first works picked up by a publisher.  I think I wrote five or six books before I had something worthy to send in.  Michael was way ahead of most first time authors.  It didn’t surprise me when his first fiction manuscript, Until Thanksgiving, was accepted.

And I have to say, there is nothing like getting that acceptance letter, then the contract and the advance.  Next is the realization that the hard work has just begun.

During my time in the writing group, Michael also helped me with some of my mechanical weaknesses.  His strong academic background also gives him an editorial advantage over most beginning writers.  His suggestions on my manuscripts, To Adam With Love and Worth, helped me strengthen the stories.

Michael is now working on the prequel to Until Thanksgiving.   Knowing how quickly his writing improves with each project, I’m sure that his second novel can only be better.  If Michael keeps going, I think he has a very good chance at becoming a strong voice in the male/male romance circle.

Personally, I am very excited to see what he comes up with next. Congratulations, Michael. I knew you could do it. Now show us what you can do!

[Adrienne Wilder is the first real author I ever met in person, my friend, and my mentor. When I decided to open this blog up to other writers, given her role in my writing career, asking her to be my first guest was a no-brainer. Her books were the first m/m romances I ever read, and she taught me everything I know about the genre. Her books are available here. I’ve read them all and thoroughly enjoyed each and every one. Thanks, Adrienne for being the first guest author here on…

My Glass House]

3 responses to “Meet Adrienne Wilder”

  1. Hello, Adrienne! So very nice to meet you here at the Glass House. It has been fun following Michael’s journey!! I know everyone in your group is excited and proud of his accomplishments, as are we, his faithful followers.

  2. Hi, Adrienne! I have already taken a peek at some of your books and I believe the Darwin’s Theory series will be next on my list of books to read! We are all so happy for Michael and we know that he has a lot more books that will be published in the future!!! Thanks for stopping by and giving Michael’s followers a chance to meet you!

  3. Nice to meet you, Adrienne! Michael’s blog always introduces me to something new…in this case, someone.

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