Walking Georgia

That my activity level has increased rather dramatically in the last six months is common knowledge among people who know me. I blame myself. Especially when I first became more active, the change was so drastic, wherever I went I talked a lot about all the new things I was doing.

Three of my coworkers invited me to be on their team for Walk Georgia–an initiative of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension to help participants develop physical activity habits so they’ll be healthier and more physically fit. Participants log physical activity onto a web site. The more miles you log, the more Georgia counties you get to virtually visit. Our Dean is offering an award to the team that logs the most miles. The desire to win the Dean’s award motivated my coworkers to invite me to be a part of their team. I figured why not?

Before I started Walk Georgia, my weekly exercise regimen included three hours of Zumba, three hours of running, and three 30-45 minute strength training sessions (including one with my trainer). I missed quite a few strength training sessions. I’ve said the crowded gym from the influx of folks making new year’s resolutions is the reason. That’s certainly been a factor. But the truth is I got bored with the routines.

The same week I signed on to the Walk Georgia team, I picked up two more classes at the gym. Group Power is a full body workout that is a choreographed weight lifting routine set to music. It’s a lot more enjoyable than my solitary strength-training routine, longer, and supervised by a personal trainer. My partner  and some of my Zumba pals attend, too.

The other class is called Centergy–a combination of yoga and Pilates. The instructor says it’s Yoga for people with ADD. My partner and I are trying to go once a week. The hour passes quickly and I feel like all the stretching is good for me.

I’m glad to have found some new classes I enjoy. There are others I could try, but I think I’ll save them for later. If my first four months are typical, I’ll probably get bored and will eventually be ready to try something new.

The increase in physical activity hasn’t produced the kind of weight loss I expected. That’s okay, because I do feel a lot better. I’ve also made a lot of new friends, and as a result, been able to participate in other fun activities–like a Flash Mob this past weekend. Probably the biggest reward has been the friends who say I inspired them to become more active.

I’m not through. In fact, I’ve increased my activity level even more. Yesterday I ran four miles on my lunch hour. After work, I did an hour of Group Power followed by an hour of Zumba. Last night I slept like a baby.

As to Walk Georgia, I’m thrilled to report that I am currently #2 on the leader board. My partner is #3–a situation that will change as soon as he gets home and logs the spin class he attended tonight. My team is also #2 on the leader board, followed by my partner’s team at #3–a fact that won’t change, thanks to the other members of my team. Next year, my partner and I will be on the same team, but this year, it’s a battle for the Dean’s Cup here in…

My Glass House