Wishful Thinking Disorder

Confession time. Wishful Thinking Disorder (WTD) has plagued me for as long as I can remember. WTD is essentially optimism on steroids. My glass isn’t just half-full — It’s going to run over any day now.

This time of year is particularly difficult for WTD gardeners. Symptoms kick into high gear around Ground Hog’s Day. How soon can I plant stuff? In January, a web site with daily forecasts predicted no frost for the next 90 days. I planned my seed-starting operation accordingly.

Silly old man. The forecast on my phone changes every time I check — sometimes dramatically. Accuracy is often laughable. I know this, and yet, WTD made me believe the rosy forecast would be 100% correct.

Imagine my surprise when the forecast accurately predicted two cold snaps with lows below freezing. Ironically, the first hit EXACTLY six weeks after Ground Hogs Day. The second came a week or two later. Dirty rotten bastard lied. Again.


Fortunately, I was able to cover what little I’d planted. The rest (about eight flats) went back inside under lights or in the coldframe. The temperature dropped into the low 20s, but the high/low thermometer in the blanket-covered coldframe showed a low of 40 degrees — well above freezing.

Although frost is possible into April, we’ve seen the end of subfreezing temperatures. I’m so sure, I’ve planted nearly everything. Let’s hope it’s not just wishful thinking!

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