‘Tis the season for gratitude. I try to keep an attitude of gratitude all year. Focusing on the positive makes my life more enjoyable and a bit easier. I’ve done a lot of really stupid things. Sometimes, I didn’t know any better. Sometimes, I did, but didn’t care. Bad decisions mostly made my life more…
Curbing My Enthusiasm
After a few months alone in a too-big house with a ginormous yard, I downsized. The new house was perfect. The small yard, absence of steps, and low-maintenance design were exactly what I wanted. More than ten years later, I still love this house. Space, however, is limited. There’s plenty of room–families with two or…
Wishful Thinking Disorder
Confession time. Wishful Thinking Disorder (WTD) has plagued me for as long as I can remember. WTD is essentially optimism on steroids. My glass isn’t just half-full — It’s going to run over any day now. This time of year is particularly difficult for WTD gardeners. Symptoms kick into high gear around Ground Hog’s Day.…
Hello 2022!
Hi, everyone! Long time, no see. I blame retirement for the extended absence. Contrary to expectations, blogging has not been a priority. My intentions were good. I bought WordPress for Dummies — a massive tome that combines multiple volumes on various topics into a comprehensive guide. Frankly, it’s more than a little overwhelming. Despite having…
Cool Running
Weather has long determined if I go for a run or not. Preferred conditions include sunny skies with a temperature from 65- to 7degrees and a light breeze. There’s a little wiggle room, but anything beyond that is a deal breaker. An aversion to sweat is the issue. I don’t mind sweating so much these…
Crotchety Alert!
An ugly confluence of events has brought my inner crotchety out of hiding. Spring fever, pandemic fatigue, and renovation delays have had me on the brink. Disruptions to my nap routine pushed me over the edge. This time of year is always rough. Solar energy fuels my usually sunny disposition. Cold, dreary days suck the…
Sleeping in didn’t make my list of retirement activities. Years ago, my internal clock eliminated the need for an alarm. Come five o’clock, I’m up. Getting up so early makes napping a necessity. Toodles is partially to blame for the early hour. She gets her insulin injection every twelve hours. We could do it just…
Happy Groundhog Day!
February 2nd has long been my favorite day of the year. Call me skeptical, but I couldn’t care less about some groundhog. Shadow or not, the possibility of spring weather being just six weeks away lifts my spirits. Cold weather and I fell out in college. The rift started in high school. Snow was fun…
Pandemic Shopping
Some consider shopping to be a fun and enjoyable activity. I’m not one of those people. In the best of circumstances, shopping pushes my crotchety button. Grocery shopping is the worst. Before COVID-19, I ordered everything but perishables online, mostly from Walmart. Convenience, selection, low prices and free shipping keep me coming back. Aside from…
Eleven years ago, I got a wake up call about my health. The message: change my habits or die. I joined Weight Watchers, started exercising, and vowed to change my lifestyle. I counted WW points, hired a personal trainer, and started running. In time, I managed to lose nearly fifty pounds — enough to drop…