My Summer Vacation

Public schools here in Athens opened the first week of August. Fall semester at UGA started last week. Where did the summer go?

My “What I Did this Summer” essay would be brief and more than a little boring. I didn’t go anywhere or read any good books. I rarely left the house except to run errands, walk Tootsie, see a doctor, or go for a run.

My vision is largely to blame. Reading is frustrating and my focus wanders with audio books. Being any place but home overnight is stressful. Out of town trips are impossible.

Going anywhere is a challenge. I drive no more than necessary and then only during the day, on familiar roads, to places I’ve been before. For anything else, somebody has to drive me. Thanks to great friends near and far, getting rides hasn’t been a problem.

Meeting a friend or two for lunch or dinner now and then is nice. Larger groups stress me out. Recognizing faces from more than a few feet away is impossible. On top of that, I’m just not used to being around so many people anymore. I’m ready to go long before anyone else–including whoever drove me.

Tootsie is my excuse. She’s rarely been left alone for more than a few hours. She’s crated and probably be fine. I’m the one who gets anxious.

I’ve been home alone for four and a half years. That’s not a complaint. I don’t know when I’ve ever been happier. I do what I’m doing until I want to do something else. Somehow, there’s never enough time for everything I want to do.

As always, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your support and will try (again) to do better about posting here. See you next time!

2 responses to “My Summer Vacation”

  1. I understand the too-many-people thing. I recently went to a neighborhood thing hosted by two great friends, but I didn’t really want to go. I went, and it was nice. Our neighborhood has increased by about 30 homes, with more to come. I met some new couples who have moved in. But i was ready to go even before the food was ready to serve. (It was a fish fry, and it was ready about an hour and a half later than planned. Lol.) I’ve met a few older couples who have moved in across from me. But I’m just not a sociable neighbor. I always feel out of the loop during conversations… because I haven’t heard the first part. I was the first to leave, and my friend couldn’t understand why, and asked me several times, in front of everyone.

    I usually do okay overnight, and I’m gone a good bit. I’m sure your vision problems contribute to that as well.

    At any rate, I get you. I hope I’m included in your friends willing to drive you, because I will always be happy to do that at any time.

    Look at your calendar and let’s make a lunch date soon!

    • Youre definitely on my ride list. Thank you! Let me get through some appts and we’ll do lunch again.