Tag: positive attitude

  • Grateful

    ‘Tis the season for gratitude. I try to keep an attitude of gratitude all year. Focusing on the positive makes my life more enjoyable and a bit easier. I’ve done a lot of really stupid things. Sometimes, I didn’t know any better. Sometimes, I did, but didn’t care. Bad decisions mostly made my life more…

  • My Summer Vacation

    Public schools here in Athens opened the first week of August. Fall semester at UGA started last week. Where did the summer go? My “What I Did this Summer” essay would be brief and more than a little boring. I didn’t go anywhere or read any good books. I rarely left the house except to…

  • Rehabbing A Good Time

    A week ago today, my friend woke up in a longterm rehab facility in the middle of nowhere, Georgia. The first thirty days, he’s not allowed visitors. Getting him there took some doing, and I’ve been anxious about whether or not the program is a good fit for him. I got a letter Monday. Yeah,…

  • Almost There

    The last six months have been crazy. I haven’t experienced this much change, over such a short period of time, since coming out more than thirty years ago. I dealt with my father’s illness in June and his passing in July; got my book deal in August; split up with my partner of twelve years…

  • Get This Show on the Road!

    Even though my capacity to remember is not what it once was, I’m pretty sure that 2012 will be a year I remember—and we’ve still got three months to go. If you’re new to My Glass House, just read over my posts since July for an overview.  Short of having a baby or getting married, I’ve…