Tag: awards

  • Dereliction of Duties: Seven Excuses

    My new normal is crazy busy. I thought the situation was temporary. For months I’ve believed that things would slow down once I got over the next hump. Being a slow learner, it took me more than a year to figure out that busy is here to stay. Reading and commenting on the blogs I’ve…

  • Another Award!

    The nice lady at Floating With the Breeze has nominated my blog for a Reader Appreciation Award. Wow! That’s the second award my blog has been nominated for in as many days. Thank you so much! As before, these nominations come with stipulations. There are certain questions I must answer. And with me, most the…

  • Educator of the Year

    Regular readers know I spent most of the past week at the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education conference in Jacksonville, Florida.  I’ve been a  member since 1989, spent several years on the  Board of Directors, and served as President in 2000.  It’s a great group of which I am proud to be a…