Tag: personal trainer

  • A New Me On the Way

    Until fairly recently, exercise was something totally foreign to me. About ten years ago–before I had settled down with my partner–this guy I was dating tried to get me to walk. I tried it a few times, hated it, and quit. In early 2006, a friend of mine loaned me a book called Younger Next…

  • Walking Georgia

    That my activity level has increased rather dramatically in the last six months is common knowledge among people who know me. I blame myself. Especially when I first became more active, the change was so drastic, wherever I went I talked a lot about all the new things I was doing. Three of my coworkers…

  • My Personal Trainer

    Before last year, other than for Physical Education classes when I was in school or to watch an athletic event, I’d been in a gym exactly once. Hated it. Didn’t have the first clue what I was supposed to do, did too much, and after suffering for the next week, vowed I’d never set foot…

  • Progress!

    Yesterday I had my weekly appointment with Armand, my personal trainer. I told him I was getting frustrated and discouraged by my lack of progress. He begged to differ, saying he could tell a big difference since I started working with him two months ago. I wasn’t convinced, so Armand decided to take all my…