The Longest Night
Winter is my least favorite time of year. I hate cold weather, and the shorter days trigger my Seasonal Affective Disorder. Throw in all the holidays that revolve around food and a tendency to carb-load, and the biggest gift I get every year is an extra twenty pounds–or more–that I spend the next twelve months…
New Directions?
Starting a blog is easy. Keeping it going is a bit more challenging. The internet is littered with the carcasses of failed and abandoned blogs. I’m sure most bloggers fantasize about hitting the big league and making lots of money at least once in a while. But the vast majority of active blogs aren’t the least…
Working It in the Yard
My Zumba King get-up got me the prize for best costume in my Zumba class last Halloween–a CD with the Monday night instructor’s twenty favorite Zumba songs. I burned it on to my computers at work and at home, synced it onto my iPod Nano, keep the CD in my car, and added it to…
Running Man
I’ve been trying to run at least three times a week since September. Most weeks I find a way to squeeze all three runs into an overly busy schedule. You can’t possibly be as impressed by this as I am. Going to Zumba is a priority because it’s so much fun. I love dancing like…
5K #2
Today I ran in my second 5K race. My goal was to improve on the 40 minutes and 36 seconds it took me to complete the first one. Toward that end, I’ve been training for the last few weeks. This week, my plan was to run four miles on both Tuesday and Thursday. I had…
Zumba Challengers
I’ve been hitting Zumba classes with the girls three or four times a week for several months now. Yeah, my partner comes to class with me. And a little old man showed up for one of the Zumbathons. Otherwise, the only men around mostly crowd around the windows to watch. I figured they were watching…
The Zumba King
Honestly, there are few things I dislike more than exercising. One of them is sweating. Getting hot enough to sweat is another. As you might imagine, these dislikes pose quite a challenge to my desire for an active lifestyle. In truth, I abhor an active lifestyle. If I had my druthers, I’d spend every available…
Countdown to the Big Event
I started getting ready for my 35-year high school reunion six months ago. Thursday I’m driving up to Lexington. Friday is the big day. The first major preparation was to get off the couch where I’d resided for most of the last five years. You could say I was working on my abs, or maybe…