I started getting ready for my 35-year high school reunion six months ago. Thursday I’m driving up to Lexington. Friday is the big day.
The first major preparation was to get off the couch where I’d resided for most of the last five years. You could say I was working on my abs, or maybe my ass with exercises like the pizza lift, the carb overload, and the finger-licking fat roll. As a result, I was bigger than I’ve ever been in my life–and we ain’t talking muscles.
When a month of riding my bike failed to produce the kind of results I needed to reach my goal, I started Weight Watchers. Along the way I figured out that my basic problem has always been that I eat too damn much stuff that isn’t good for me. Thanks to Weight Watchers, I’m much more aware, and have dramatically reduced my consumption of junk food.
Riding my bike and sticking to Weight Watcher’s didn’t get me where I wanted to be either. So I started jogging and going to Zumba classes. In truth, I’m still not really jogging, but I have progressed through three weeks of Couch to 5K without having to repeat anything. Today I ran for a solid five minutes without stopping–and nobody was chasing me.
Despite my increase in activity, I quit losing weight. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I joined the gym. As of today, I’ve had two sessions with my trainer and gone to the gym twice to do the workouts he designed for me. Today’s session was REALLY hard!
The variety of classes are the best part of belonging to a gym. I’m going to kick-my-butt Zumba classes three days a week now. In fact, I’m the King of Zumba at my gym–at least until another guy starts coming to the classes. Yesterday I did my workout, spent thirty minutes on the elliptical to kill time before my Zumba class, and then did an hour of Zumba. Yeah, that’s right–I spent two solid hours at the gym.
This weekend I went shopping for the Big Event. I got a couple of new outfits that actually fit, and a really cute pair of shoes. Today I went to Cracker Barrel to pick up an audio book for the drive (a 14-hour bad boy by John Grisham). Tomorrow I’m getting new tires and an oil change. I hit the road early Thursday morning.
All of this to say that I am NOT going to worry about my diet from the time I get up Thursday morning through Sunday night. I’ll do my Couch to 5K runs, and may check out the gym at the hotel where I’m staying, but I won’t get in any bike rides or Zumba classes. And I’m okay with that because I know I’ll get right back on track when I return to…
My Glass House