My Perfect Little Dog
Few things are more adorable than a six-week old chihuahua puppy. Within days of my ex getting a dog I didn’t especially want, I accepted the little darling and took an active role in his upbringing. Early socialization is important, especially with nervous breeds like chihuahuas. Perhaps as a result of all the early attention, Tico is a…
And a Dog Named ‘Too’
If you’ve seen me with my little chihuahua, you know that Toodles and I have a special relationship. Views on our bond vary from “isn’t that adorable!” to “one or more of you needs professional help.” I can see both sides and will only say, it is what it is. One of the more difficult…
At the Family Compound
Vacations mean different things to different people. My favorite getaway is the beach. Relaxing by the water, getting too much sun, and eating seafood every day make for a nice change from normal routines. Nothing else comes close for me. My partner grew up vacationing in Panama City Beach. His grandmother lives there. Eventually, they…
Another Award!
The nice lady at Floating With the Breeze has nominated my blog for a Reader Appreciation Award. Wow! That’s the second award my blog has been nominated for in as many days. Thank you so much! As before, these nominations come with stipulations. There are certain questions I must answer. And with me, most the…
Made for Each Other
I’m the first to admit our relationship is a little unusual. People who’ve spent any time at all with us notice and comment on our strong attraction to each other. Yeah, it’s that obvious. We can’t help it. We were made for each other. In fact, I wonder if either of us could survive for…